Tug Rowan M. McAllister (McAllister Towing and Transportation Company)Staten Island, New York(5).jpg)
Built in 1981, by Rysco Shipyard of Blountsville, Florida (hull #50) as the Dolly S. McAllister for the McAllister Brothers Towing Company of New York, New York.
In 1981, the tug was transferred to the McAllister Brothers Towing Company of Antilles of Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles. Where the tug retained her name.
In 1989, she was acquired by the Maritrans Operating Partners of Tampa, Florida. Where she was renamed as the Vigilant.
However in March of 1989, the Exxon Valdez ran aground in Prince William Sound near Valdez, Alaska. And in 1990, the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 was passed calling for the double hulling of all petroleum carrying vessels by January 1st of 2015. As well, as other stipulations that effected Maritrans including manning, preparedness, and spill prevention. Maritrans filed suit to fight the stipulations set fourth by OPA '90.
By the mid 1990's Maritrans Operating Partners had begun to consolidate its business. By first, backing out of the black oil trade, and carrying only petroleum products and petrochemicals. As well as, the phosphate trade, and local transportation in Baltimore, Maryland that was part of the Harbor Towing subsidiary. Which did not fit into Maritrans's new business model. As Maritrans backed out, local transportation companies emerged, and established operations in the area. They included the Bouchard Transportation Company of Melville, New York; and the Vane Brothers Company of Baltimore, Maryland.
In 1990, the tug was acquired by the Sanders Towboat Company of San Francisco, California. Where she retained her name.
In 1997, she was acquired by Hvide Marine Incorporated of Tampa, Florida. Where the tug retained her name.
In 1999, the tug was acquired by the McAllister Towing and Transportation Company of New York, New York. Where she was renamed as the Rowan M. McAllister. Named for Rowan M. McAllister, the son of McAllister Towing's President, and CEO; Buckley McAllister.
Powered by two, Tier I compliant, twelve cylinder, EMD 12-645-E5 diesel engines. With Falk reduction gears, at a ratio of 4.957:1. Turning two, cast steel, fixed pitch, propellers. The tug is twin screw, with flanking rudders and kort nozzles rated at 4,300 horsepower.
Her electrical service is provided by two, 75kW generator sets. The tug's capacities are 80,000 gallons of fuel oil, 1,500 gallons of lube oil, and 2,226 gallons of potable water.
The towing gear consists of an Almon Johnson, single drum, towing winch. Equipped with 2,300(ft) of 2(in) diameter towing wire. The tug is outfitted with one fire monitor, rated at 500 Gallons Per Minute. As well as three fire stations.
(Captain Brian Fournier, Captain Ron Greger, Captain Eric Takakjian, Chris Scarborough)